Infinity Site Manager Software

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Application #12

Identifying Theft and Damage

Application 12: You have been informed that there was a spill at one of your sites some time early this morning, and no one bothered to use the on-site clean-up materials. You would like to determine who was at fault.

Solution: You can use the Infinity system to look at the current site controller log file. You can select transactions at various intervals through the morning, and by clicking on the transaction, look at the images which were captured at the completion of the transaction. Once you find images with the spill, you can work backward until you pinpoint when the spill first appears. Utilizing the images and analyzing the transactions for which pump was used, you can narrow down the guilty party!


•  On your Infinity Site Status page, click on the site name or site license number where the transaction in question took place.

•  Click Yes if the Security Alert window appears.

•  The Enter Network Password window will appear. I n the User Name box, type the site license number, and in the Password box, type your password and click ok .

•  The Infinity Main Menu for that site will appear.

•  Click Current Journal File in the iSite section. The current journal file will appear.

•  Select a transaction early in the morning, and click on the transaction to view the images captured at the completion of the transaction. Verify that the spill does not appear in the images. Follow this procedure, selecting transactions an hour apart. Once you see the spill, work backward through the transactions one-by-one to pinpoint when the spill first appears. Utilizing the images and analyzing the transactions for which pump was used, you can narrow down the guilty party.

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